World of Warcraft: Dawn of the Aspects (2 Update) ³

Bereits auf der Comic-Con letzten Jahres hat Blizzard einiges an neuem Lesematerial für dieses Jahr angekündigt und einige sehr vielversprechende Bücher beschrieben. Neben einem Roman, der Vol´jin als Hauptcharakter darstellt, wird es auch noch Dawn of the Aspects geben, welches mittlerweile einen Veröffentlichungstermin erhalten hat.

Update: Morgen wird endlich der erste Teil der “Dawn of the Aspects” Reihe in englischer Sprache veröffentlicht. Diese Geschichte erscheint bisher leider nur als E-Book, sodass ihr sie entweder über einen E-Book Reader oder auf eurem PC lesen müsst. Bereits jetzt könnt ihr jeden Teil dieser Reihe für 3,07 Euro bei Amazon vorbestellen und dann am geplanten Veröffentlichungstermin sofort lesen.

World of Warcraft: Dawn of the Aspects: Teil 1: Amazon Link
World of Warcraft: Dawn of the Aspects: Teil 2: Amazon Link
World of Warcraft: Dawn of the Aspects: Teil 3: Amazon Link
World of Warcraft: Dawn of the Aspects: Teil 4: Amazon Link
World of Warcraft: Dawn of the Aspects: Teil 5: Amazon Link

Update: Da der erste Teil dieser Reihe bereits am 19.Februar in englischer Sprache erscheinen wird, wurde von Blizzard nun ein kleiner Teaser dazu veröffentlicht. In diesem kurzen Abschnitt wird erzählt, wie der blaue Drache Kalecgos das Aufeinandertreffen der 5 ursprünglichen Aspekte mit dem Vater der Drachen Galakrond miterlebt.

World of Warcraft: Dawn of the Aspects

And then… a sound louder than thunder stilled not only the sisters, but every proto-dragon in the vicinity.

The sound erupted again, shaking the rocky ridges upon which Malygos and many of the other hunters perched. Several of the proto-dragons were cowed, and Kalec felt even Malygos fight not to prostrate himself.

Only then did Kalec realize that the incredible noise was a gigantic roar.

A vast region of the overcast sky broke away, descending with astonishing swiftness. The velocity caused the clouds to quickly scatter, revealing a sight that truly could daunt not only a proto-dragon, but even the most powerful of Kalec’s own kind.
This was supposed to be a proto-dragon, but so immense was its size that not even a dragon could be chosen for an adequate comparison. Kalec could think of no creature save one that could be used… and that would have meant comparing Galakrond to himself.

Even though Kalec had never seen the gigantic Galakrond in the flesh, the remote possibility that he would not have recognized this titanic being had been eliminated by Galakrond’s name racing over and over through Malygos’s mind. In addition, through his host’s brief glimpse away from the Father of Dragons to the other proto-dragons, Kalec saw that not one of the hunters remained in the sky. Galakrond now commanded the world above, and there was no proto-dragon foolish enough to challenge that rule.

He swooped down, passing over the entire region in a matter of seconds. In Galakrond’s wake there came a vicious wind that even tore several proto-dragons from their roosts and sent more than one meal toppling to the ground far below. Galakrond’s roar was no less ground-shaking miles away, forcing Malygos and the sisters to grip their perches tighter.

For such a colossal creature, Galakrond turned with remarkable agility. Once more, he passed over the now-panicking herd, but this time with intent. Galakrond seized up two caribou in each of his much larger hind paws and scooped up another whole in his gargantuan maw, then rose up. The grazer in his mouth vanished down his gullet and a moment later so did both of those in his left hind paw. By the time Galakrond leveled, all five of his catches were well on their way down to his stomach.

But five was not enough. Galakrond veered back and lunged toward the scattering prey. This time, however, he suddenly pulled back. Confused at first, Kalec watched as the bending of the vast wings during the halt created a windstorm that sent dozens of beasts rolling uncontrollably.

Before several of the caribou could rise to their feet, Galakrond plucked them up. With at least eight claimed that Kalec could see, the Father of Dragons soared back into the clouds.

It was not until several seconds after Galakrond’s departure that the first proto-dragons dared move. There was no renewal of the hunt; not only were the caribou scattered so far and wide that pursuit would have required too much effort, but most of the proto-dragons were still too shaken up by Galakrond’s startling manifestation. Some took to the sky themselves and fled for calmer climes. Others remained subdued.

The Father of Dragons… Kalec could still not believe the stunning image. To witness Galakrond alive was something he could never have imagined.

The blue knew little of Galakrond save that he had been one of the largest beings to roam Azeroth and that he had represented the shift from proto-dragon to true dragon. It was not that Galakrond had actually fathered all true dragons—that was a myth somehow spread millennia ago—but that after him had come the five Aspects and their respective dragonflights. Proto-dragons had all but vanished after that.

There were other legends concerning Galakrond, but, in truth, Kalec understood that only his three counterparts knew the truth. He had never thought to ask them about the Father of Dragons, but now wished that he had.

Yet, Kalec’s momentary awe soon gave way again to his anger and frustration—and growing concern—over his being trapped in these ancient visions. Each one seemed more and more lifelike, as if his own time were the fantasy and this scene now were the true present.

Not for the first time, he tried to will himself back, but nothing changed. He continued to be an insignificant, unnoticed phantasm trapped within Malygos. Not even Alexstrasza or Ysera—both of whom in the future would have abilities that should make them sense his presence—so much as glanced in curiosity at the male beside them.

I will be free! Kalec abruptly roared, though his roar went unheard by any save himself. Bereft of a throat—or a body—he felt like nothing but a memory remembered by no one.

Laughter filled his—or rather, Malygos’s—ears. Kalec at first thought that someone mocked him, but instead, the laughter was aimed at the other proto-dragons by a charcoal-gray male a bit larger than most, who actually sneered at the others.

“Little hatchlings!” he bellowed. “Afraid of the sky! Afraid of the ground! Galakrond laughs at you for being afraid, and I, Neltharion, do, too!”

Some of the proto-dragons hissed at the gray male, but no one challenged him. By their glances, they knew him to be strong and able to back up his taunt. Even those proto-dragons who clearly had little more intelligence than their prey appeared to know better than to fight—

Neltharion? The name finally penetrated. Kalec sought in vain to seize control of Malygos’s body as the newcomer, still laughing, flew off. Where Galakrond had been a startling, unsettling thing of legend, this gray male represented a danger to the future of all life on Azeroth. If there was a creature more evil than Neltharion, Kalec could not think of one.

Of course, by the blue’s time, the gray male would be better known by his more apt title… Deathwing.

Originalartikel: Während die bisherigen Romane zu World of Warcraft meistens nur als normale Bücher veröffentlicht wurden, so erscheint Dawn of the Aspects voraussichtlich nur als ein fünfteiliges E-Book. Alle Teile wurden vom Autor Richard A. Knaak geschrieben und decken einen weitreichenden Handlungsbogen ab.

Veröffentlichungstermine der einzelnen Teile:

  • World of Warcraft: Dawn of the Aspects: Part I (Feb 19)
  • World of Warcraft: Dawn of the Aspects: Part II (Mar 18)
  • World of Warcraft: Dawn of the Aspects: Part III (Apr 22)
  • World of Warcraft: Dawn of the Aspects: Part IV (May 20)
  • World of Warcraft: Dawn of the Aspects: Part V (Jun 17)

Die Handlung dreht sich um die Drachenaspekte und geht dabei gleichzeitig auf die Vergangenheit und auf die Zukunft ein. Ohne ihre Unsterblichkeit und die Macht der Titanen sind die 4 großen Drachen zwar noch mächtige Wesen, aber ohne Aufgabe weiß keiner so genau, wie es nun weiter gehen soll.

Gleichzeitig wird es viele Rückblenden geben, die davon berichten, wie die 5 Großdrachen ursprünglich erschaffen wurden. Daher wird unter anderem Galakrond einen großen Auftritt als Gegner haben und es gibt viel über die Titanen und Protodrachen zu erfahren. Im Grunde werden diese 5 E-Books wesentlich mehr Informationen zur Lore vermitteln, als es normalerweise der Fall ist.

Kurzbeschreibung des ersten Teils:

The former Dragon Aspects are on the brink of going their separate ways to forge new destinies. As Kalecgos ponders the uncertain future awaiting his kind, he uncovers a mysterious artifact that allows him to see through the eyes of his late predecessor, Malygos. Intense visions bombard Kalecgos, transporting him to a time when the original Aspects were no more than primitive proto-dragons. Across ancient Kalimdor’s northern plains, they fought for survival against each other and a terrifying creature that dominated the era: the Father of Dragons, Galakrond. But many questions remain for Kalecgos. What are the origins of this strange artifact? Are its visions a gift, or a curse?